- Phone: 877.425.6337
- Fax: 877.509.6337
- Main Address: 1412 SW 43rd St. Ste 120 Renton, WA 98057
Nutrition for the Older Adult
Contact Hours: 2 Hours
Nutrition for the Older Adult presents the important role of nutrition and its relationship to health and healing. Beginning with a review of basic food facts, this program addresses issues particular to older adults and provides practical advice for the healthcare assistant when it comes to selecting, preparing, and monitoring food intake. Special circumstances, such as common nutrient deficiencies and dehydration are also addressed. Upon completion of this program, participants will be able to:
- Describe the characteristics of healthy eating as outlined by the USDA Guidelines
- List four nutritional deficiencies for which the older adult is particularly at risk
- Recognize the signs and symptoms of dehydration
- Explain how physical changes affect nutritional status
- Name two (2) solutions nursing assistants can put into practice in response to lifestyle changes of their clients.
- Topics will include a discussion on patient assements, Problem Identification, Planning, Implementation, Evaluation and the role of the manager/caregiver.