- Phone: 877.425.6337
- Fax: 877.509.6337
- Main Address: 1412 SW 43rd St. Ste 120 Renton, WA 98057
Infection Control in the Adult Family Home
Contact Hours: 2 Hours
This seminar discribes ways to promote client hygiene in the home setting. It also list three disinfectants that may be used in the home setting. It informs the caregiver as to was to manage laundry that will prevent the spreading of infections.
It also Describes how to dispose of waste in the proper ways in the home setting. A discussion of the paticular way that health agency's policies can influence infection control in the adult family home setting. Common Glossary terms will include Bacteria, Disinfecting, Fungi, Gastrointestinal infection, Urinary tract infection etc.