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Please enter the email address registered to your readymedspharmacy.com account.

  • Phone: 877.425.6337
  • Fax: 877.509.6337
  • Main Address: 1412 SW 43rd St. Ste 120 Renton, WA 98057


Contact Hours: 2 Hours

This orientation training gives you an overview of what youneed to know and do in your new job.

Your role as a LTC worker is to provide quality care and support services to the people (clients) who live where you work. These services are essential to the health, continued independence, and well-being of the clients in your care. To provide quality care, you must:

  1. Understand your role as a LTC worker.
  2. Complete all of your assigned tasks to the best of your ability each day.
  3. Respect client choices in how and when they would like these tasks done.
  4. Keep clients safe.
  5. Learn and follow the policies and procedures of your employer.